Obesity & Associated Health Disorders
Heart disease and cardiovascular problems, Diabetes, Cancer, Digestive problems, Breathing problems, Arthritis, Sex hormone problems and Kidney disease.
Obesity is a multifactorial disease caused by a chronic energy extra in which energy intake exceeds energy spending, leading to the accumulation of excess adipose tissue. Regulation of energy homeostasis is a multipart process, and that fact imparts a considerable challenge in trying to elucidate the pathogenesis of obesity. Although poor lifestyle choices, including unsuitable diets and lack of physical activity, undoubtedly play a large role, genetic susceptibility also puts a discrete at increased risk.
The popular of obesity therapies have been intended at behavior modification and pharmacologic interposition, although to date these therapies have led to only unsure weight loss. Although less common, bariatric surgery has led to extensive long-term weight loss in morbidly obese patients; this type of treatment, however, is both offensive and costly.